Farmer for a day
Throughout July, the story gets extra life on the Amager Museum's two farms in Store Magleby, when farm boys and farm girls invite children and childish souls to take part in the many tasks that took place on a farm around 1900.
Before work begins, children can pull on old-fashioned clothes. The boys are dressed in a cap and vest, while the girls wear dress, apron and head scarf.
The children are given a Target Book in which to collect stars. With it in hand, work can begin.
Laundry needs to be washed on old-fashioned washboards and help is provided in the kitchen with pancake baking, with stuffing and knitting, feeding the animals, excavating and cleaning vegetables, which must then be run 'to the market'.
Etiquette must also be mastered. The girls must curtsy and the boys bow and remember to take off the hat before entering.
When the work is done, the madam in the kitchen signs the Target Book that you can take home with you, so you have proof that you are a diligent man or girl and have the opportunity to work on another farm.