King Forest Fort (Kongelundsfortet)
From Kongelund Fortress, there have been scouting for enemy warships for almost 70 years. Now everyone has access to the magnificent view of Køge Bay.
The Kongelund Fortress, part of the fortification of Copenhagen, was built as a coastal battery during the First World War - 1914-1918. At Kongelund Fortress you can still see parts of the fortifications. The fort offers beautiful views of the beach meadows, and is a good excursion destination with both history and nature experience.
The story
The fort was armed with four 29 cm haunts, four 75 mm cannons and two 47 mm cannons to cover the sailing gutters towards Copenhagen from the south and protect the mines laid out in Køge Bay.
In 1938-1939 the coastal battery was rebuilt into a fort so that it could fire in all directions, and the heavy haul bits were replaced with ship guns with a range of over 16 km.
In 1959 the fort was rebuilt into an air defense system, in 1982 it was closed down and in 1996 Dragør Municipality took over the facility. Today, therefore, the fort is open to the public, and you can still see the foundations of the original haubits, casemates, binoculars and the square moat.
Excursion destination with barbecue
You are also welcome - on your own responsibility - to ascend the fort's platforms and tower: The fort is not only strategically well located, but also has a magnificent view of Køge Bay and the protected Kofoed meadows with rich bird life. Around the fort there is a path system that leads through both beach, field, forest and meadow.
Bring your packed lunch and enjoy it at the set tables and benches or light up the grill in the campfire. There are tables, benches, grills, trash cans, toilets, and now head over, so you can always light up the grill. You can use the campfire freely all year round.
The fort's firehouse and toilets are for free use. However, the bonfire house has the Youth School prior right to use. See more information about Kongelundsfortet.